IPRDO – (Indian Political Research and Development Organization) is a stealth mode organization for offering Discrete and Distinguished Political Consultancy to political Parties for winning elections. We are a team of Political Advocacy Professionals working on political advancement and its transparency to strengthen the democracy of the country. We make meaningful contributions to the political affairs and governance of the country, without necessarily being part of a political party.
We are a young, high-energy, nationally committed team of IITians and IIMC/IISc professionals, Software Engineers and Creative Communications Experts, Hands-on Election Handlers, Impactful Social Media Influencers, Ground-Work Specialists, Polling Data and Trends Analysts, Voter-Psychology Trainers, Striking Audio-Visual Content Creators, Volunteer Magnets and Managers, and a BIG young brigade of on-ground “Micro-Trends-Igniters”.
Our Digital Divine Solution is a vital ingredient for ensuring electoral success as it enables candidates to find, court, and turn out critical voter chunks by reaching and recruiting Key Influencers to swing undecided and opposition voters. We Minimize the technological gap between election campaign cycles while pushing forward the creation and deployment of Big Data infrastructure to operate as the heart of the Political Mission.
Technology now accounts for almost a five percent margin that swings into victory, and “Big Data Bridge” covers the cultural and generational divide between political aspirants and the large Youth Population by deploying up-to-date social media analytics and Mobile tech as force multipliers. Our standout electoral innovation is “The Campaign Optimizer”, a high-tech solution that allows the campaign to deploy carefully targeted mobile ads, and send highly customized multimedia content. Instead of relying on expansive voter/demographic data. We deploy suitable app-analytics at each device to identify the most cost-efficient ways to reach hard-to-reach voters. “The Campaign Optimizer” can help save a National Campaign hundreds of Crores, and provide Precision Target Ads aimed at a niche voting audience.